By Dana Phillips.

Your success is up to you. You will achieve directly proportional to your effort. Here are eight tips as you lead in the direct selling arena.

  1. Five contacts a day to let people know what you offer hostesses.
  2. Five face to face interviews a week to grow your team. Every time you have a conversation you re-sell yourself on the opportunity.
  3. Book at least 3 parties each week. If you don’t want to hold them, you can always give them to a future leader, or it will give you another reason to recruit your hostess.
  4. Attend leader calls, company events, and sales meetings.
  5. Spend more time working on your datebook and your recruiting than spending time on “motivating” your team members.
  6. Work every week at your job. Work five days a week at your job.
  7. Plan your work schedule and then work your plan. Don’t just “think” about your business: set time and work at it.
  8. Make sure you have reliable daycare. Start with 3 hours of uninterrupted time to work. You will fill that time with recruiting, booking, and seeing people.

What other tips will you share?

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