By Dana Phillips.
Zig Ziglar once referred to sales as one of the greatest instructors in life skills. I certainly think he is correct. Once you’ve been in direct sales for a while, you learn a lot of insights into other people that make your life work better. More importantly, you understand some hard lessons about your life.
One of my biggest direct sales lessons was how to turn the business off. It was too easy to think, eat, sleep and talk about all the time.
An even bigger lesson was letting other people choose their own path. A wise mentor once said that I needed to learn to bless and release those who weren’t like me.
I also learned that I needed to find more that were like me!
What’s one of the lessons that you are willing to share?
You want to be the leader that your team wants and needs. Where will you send them to help them with their lessons?
Join The Direct Selling Leaders Network. Since you are known by the company you keep, maybe you want to find some leaders who want to share passions, principles, and practice. You can be one of the great people to hang with.
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