As a leader in your company you do not have to sponsor every hostess, but successful leaders share the opportunity with every hostess.  It helps you to be a better listener, find more confidence in sharing, and get more results.  You won’t recruit every single hostess, but you will increase your sponsoring.

Because you are asking your hostess to consider a business decision, you need to treat it like one as well.  What are some possible words to say?  Try something like these:

Mary, it is my job to tell my hostesses about our opportunity.  There are three reasons I want to give you the information about selling our product.

  1. After listening to the facts, you’ll be able to decide if it is something you would like to do.
  2. Timing is everything.  If the circumstances in your life change and I tell you about the opportunities now, then you’ll know that this is a viable business opportunity.
  3. You may never join my team but if you know what is involved, you might know someone who could use the information and be a great fit for the opportunity.

When you talk with your hostess before the party, it works!  Most people need time to process the information, especially if you are asking them to consider selling your product.  Most people need time to weigh the pros and cons in their mind.  When you give your hostess the chance to think about joining you, you set the stage for her to feel comfortable saying “yes.”

As a footnote, don’t be surprised if she says yes right away.  Some of your hostesses have been thinking about doing what you do way before you book a party with her.