Who is Your Next Leader?

By Neil Phillips. How often have you sponsored someone you knew would be your next leader? The person who appeared to have everything; the person [...]

What do you Really, Really Want?

By Neil Phillips. Have you ever been frustrated because you missed your goal when the team didn’t perform the way they needed to for you [...]

Work Hard, Play Hard and the Art of Setting Boundaries

By Dana Phillips. The thrill and excitement of my direct selling business was compelling.  I LOVED to hold parties, talk on the phone with my [...]

Recruiting Starts with YOU

By Dana Phillips. When you are curious about people and ask them curious questions, amazing things happen. Here are some clues to use to raise [...]

A Simple Guide to Working Smarter

By Neil Phillips. What's your hourly rate? Do you know? As a direct selling leader, your hourly rate is an essential indicator of your monetary [...]

Your Challenge: The Timer Test

By Neil Phillips. Have you ever said (or heard) this, "My family thinks I work All the Time!" Do you? Or does it just seem [...]

Ten Booking Tips for Spring

By Dana Phillips. With March, comes Spring.  It's coming in like a lion.  Time for you to roar! Here are 10 ideas to help you [...]

Five Direct Sales Lessons from My Grandchildren

By Neil Phillips. As I look forward to Spring Breaks and Zoom calls with my grandchildren, I can't help but reflect on some of the [...]

Are you teaching your team to develop a hobby or run a business?

How often have you heard, “Treat your business like a business and it will make you money. Treat your business like a hobby and it will cost you money.” Many new direct sellers come into the profession without business experience. Where will they learn to turn their passion for the products into a real business? They look to you, their leader, for guidance: what are you teaching them? Take a look at your new consultant training, are you teaching beyond book, sell and recruit? Do words like invest, plan, systems, income producing and return on investment appear? Do you discuss money?

Direct Selling Leadership: Ten Questions about Booking

By Dana Phillips. You have taught your team the basics of booking a party.  You teach little pieces of the process over and over to [...]

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