By Dana Phillips.

With March, comes Spring.  It’s coming in like a lion.  Time for you to roar! Here are 10 ideas to help you book.

  1. Have a list of people to call.  Use past order forms, past hostesses, leads from events.
  2. Have a place to make calls that is neat and quiet.  Think about your car if you need to slip away while Dad is home.
  3. Have time set aside for your calling so you won’t be rushed.  You can make 10 -14 calls in thirty minutes in an evening.
  4. Have your calendar ready so you know your next available open dates.
  5. Remember to smile before you dial the phone or leave that FB audio.  People respond better to pleasant sounding voices.
  6. Be positive.  Remember you are offering a special service and lots of free product.
  7. Don’t be afraid of “No’s”.  All good salespeople get them.
  8. Get their voice mail?  Tell them you will offer a gift if they call you before you call them back tomorrow.  Leave your number and say it slowly two times.
  9. Don’t forget to ask “If it’s not a good time now, when can I call back?” If they never have parties, ask them who they know who loves to have parties.
  10. Make sure you thank everyone you speak to and let them know you want to be their consultant.

Want to learn more Quick Ideas to Make Your Business Roar?

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