By Neil Phillips.
Okay, admit it. You probably didn’t grow up saying “I want to be in direct sales.” It definitely isn’t in the top ten career choices for most college graduates. In fact, there is still a lot of stigma attached to the words “network marketing,” “mlm,” and “direct sales.”
So how do you build belief with all of these negative waves? One friend of mine who earns a seven figure income told me, “The greatest day of your life will be when you stop caring what other people think.”
Belief is internal, not external.
I just talked to someone who is going to give “direct sales” a try. Guess what? That won’t work until you decide you are going to work.
When you choose direct sales to be the best opportunity to take control of your life and your earning potential, stand firm with all your might. When you stop worrying about what others say, stay humble, keep your integrity and work your business like a business, you will have the belief to make the success you desire.
Build your belief by seeking out those who are successful. Build your belief by reading and listening to the stories of success. Build your belief by working the plan. And above all, believe in yourself. You have everything it takes to be successful. Count on yourself to deliver.
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