By Dana Phillips.

We have earned many incentive trips throughout our direct selling career, like many of you. The other night I was thinking about some of the fun things we offered as incentives. I remembered them with great fondness:  our annual sleepover for sales, recruiting for Beanie Babies (wow, that was a blast from the past), a stuffed animal parade where the tables were filled with stuffed animals, and everyone with a certain level got a stuffed animal, but the top salesperson chose first. There were limo rides, tickets to ball games, auctions, duck ponds, and so many; I could write a book.

If you are spread out, there are still many fun things you can do. One of our clients had a virtual “pie in the face” contest and posted it on YouTube. Everyone who achieved a certain level of team sales got to have a proxy throw a pie in his face. For his group, they loved it. Over 20 pies were thrown, and the views on the posting were tremendous. People were even showing prospects how fun their upline leader was while his teenage son threw pie after pie, announcing, “This one is for _______.”

I would love to hear of the fun, successful incentives you have experienced. Please comment, and let’s share a ton of ideas.

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