By: Melanie Moore

Are you looking to light a fire under your flip-flops and conquer your summer productivity? Summer should be a time of rest and relaxation, not being cooped up in your home office. So let’s talk about the magic of getting things done early in the day so you can enjoy more of your summer!

  1. Sweet sounds of Silence: Early morning routines can bask in the glow of sweet silence. No phone calls, no texts, no kids, no spouse, no distractions.  Without distractions, your productivity levels skyrocket and you get more done faster and with less stress.
  2. Embrace the Power Hour: Want to get 5 steps ahead of those still sleeping? Wake up an hour earlier and your will accomplish more in the sixty minutes than  others can in an entire day. So set that alarm clock one hour earlier than normal and try out the early morning power hour.
  3. Seize the Day: Carpe Diem, seize the day! When you’re an early riser, you’ve already seized half of the day before the world has even had a chance to drink their first cup of coffee. It allows you to cross off tasks from your list while the rest of the work is just waking up. By the time others get up and get moving, you are already done for the day and sitting by the pool with your iced tea!
  4. More time for personal things: You can completely avoid the afternoon slump but finishing all your work in the morning and then indulge in guilt-free leisure time in the afternoon.

This is your summer to make things happen! Wake up with a purpose, own the morning and let the rest of the world catch up while you savor those sweet summer moments.


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