By: Melanie Moore

Be an Early Entrepreneur: Why Waking Up an Hour Earlier Spells Success

Generally summer and alarm clocks are not something you would put in the same sentence, but taking control of your time this summer could be the secret weapon to propel your business to new heights. Do you realize that just waking up an hour earlier can be a game-changer for your business this summer?

  1. The Gift of Uninterrupted Focus: Most of us have our phone and electronic devices on some kind of “do not disturb” function overnight and you can take advantage of those muting features to get your day off to an uninterrupted start because your phone isn’t buzzing yet, your notifications aren’t lighting up your screen, your email box isn’t bing’ing. By waking up an hour earlier, you’re granting yourself the precious gift of uninterrupted focus where you can dive deep into your most important tasks without the constant barrage of distractions that come during the regular business day. This first hour of the work day is great for brainstorming new ideas or tackling the more complex projects that require more of your attention.
  2. Energize and Empower: Get up and get moving, once you are up and fully dressed you are ready to conquer the day. With that extra hour you give yourself time to engage in activities that empower and energize you like exercising, journaling, Bible Study, eating a healthy breakfast, etc. Taking time to feed yourself with self-care and personal growth sets the stage for productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.
  3. Strategic Planning and Reflection: Waking up an hour earlier provides the ideal opportunity for strategic planning and reflection. Use this time to review your goals, assess where you are and identify areas for improvement. Set actionable priorities for the day, strategize your next move, and envision the future of your business. This hour of calm introspection allows you to make good decisions, stay aligned with your vision and keep yourself on track. Flying by the seat of your pants is NOT a strategy!

Remember, the early entrepreneur catches the worm—and so much more. Rise and shine, friends!


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