Understand what your audience is looking for

Step 1: Who is really your targeted customer? You will want to sit down and really think about your targeted customer and their needs: What [...]

I Only Got One Lead . . . .

By Dana Phillips. Looking for a way to teach your team the value of one single lead? Try this. Select one lead from an event [...]

At Sales Events, You Get What You Ask For

By Neil Phillips. If you are unsure what you want, that's what you'll get. Have you ever come away from an event with random results? How [...]

Picture Direct Selling Success

“Sometimes I want success for others more than they want it for themselves.”  I hear that a lot. You have probably said it at least [...]

3 Steps to Closing the Year Strong

By Dana Phillips. As we come to the end of the year, our thoughts naturally drift to the future. How will I finish this year? [...]

Why Talk about January Now?

By Dana Phillips. After many years of working in the direct selling profession, I have seen a pattern emerge year after year.  You hope that [...]

Problem Solving: An Indispensable Quality of a Leader

By Neil Phillips. What stands in the way of success for you? Is it not enough team members, too many back orders, or a significant [...]

Customize Your Recruiting Message

When you're sharing your income opportunity, do you make essentially the same presentation to everyone? If so, you may not be enjoying the success you're hoping for. Different people have different needs—and they'll respond differently to the same message. For better results, try customizing your recruiting message for each person you talk to.

Seven Sales Builders for Party Plan People

By Dana Phillips. Often, the little things that you say can build big results.  Try some of these! Double up by encouraging double hostess parties.  [...]


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