Handling the Most Common Objections

By Dana Phillips. We often say that the best defense is a great offense. The most common objective is that people are too busy. Suppose [...]

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

By: MELANIE MOORE   YOU are the Leader of your team, whatever you do, or don’t do, they see….kinda of like parenting! In the absence [...]

Can your customers find your contact info in 2 clicks?

By: MELANIE MOORE One of the most MAJOR mistakes I see people make in conducting business online is that I cannot figure out how to [...]

Understand what your audience is looking for

Step 1: Who is really your targeted customer? You will want to sit down and really think about your targeted customer and their needs: What [...]

My Sales Event Leads Never Turn Into Results

By Neil Phillips. When are your prospects the most excited? The very minute they see your product and interact with you! It only makes sense [...]

Direct Sales Leaders D.R.E.A.M.

By Dana Phillips. One of your opportunities as a leader is to be a visionary.  You are an essential keeper of the dreams of everyone [...]

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