By Dana Phillips.

Follow these four steps and you can show people that you care, that parties are fun and that you are a worthwhile business.

  1. Build Rapport
    1. Learn and use guest names during your parties.
    2. Thank everyone for attending and taking time out of their schedules to be there.
    3. Publicly thanks the hostess for opening her home and share the benefits she will receive by hosting.
  2. Create Excitement
    1. Add excitement and fun to every party.
    2. Involve your guests and make the party interactive.
    3. Explain features and benefits of products.
    4. Interact with customers throughout the party, ask their opinions, answer their questions.
    5. Highlight the host rewards program throughout the presentation.
  3. Determine Customers’ Needs
    1. Discover their interests, needs and lifestyles when you hostess coach your hostess.
    2. Match individual needs with benefits of the product, booking a party or becoming a consultant.
  4. Provide Exceptional Customer Service
    1. Answer questions as they arise.
    2. Help customers make purchasing decisions one on one.
    3. Make ordering easy by providing customers with the supplies they need to order.
    4. Thoroughly explain the delivery procedures and expected date of delivery.

Who Do You Kn ow Who is a Wowzer?

We know several, and they are members of the Direct Selling Leaders Network.  Join our Facebook group, Direct Selling Leaders Network, to meet greet, and network with like minded people.  Our FB group is a safe place to share ideas and ask questions.  No cross recruiting and no daily sales pitches.  PS:  Do you have up and coming leaders?  Invite them to join the Direct Selling Leaders Network as well.