Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

By Dana Phillips. Some wise woman once told me that you can’t pour from an empty cup.  Lately, I have been so caught up in [...]

Finding New Customers

By Dana Phillips. We all want new customers. If you are in a party plan, you know that hostess coaching for new faces is the [...]

3 Parts of a Summer Sales System

By Dana Phillips. Have you ever started the summer months without a plan? I have! During my first summer as a leader, I just merrily [...]

Don’t Sell, Serve

By Neil Phillips. What do you do when you run out of friends and family who want to purchase? Are they starting to avoid you? [...]

Five Reasons for Low Party Sales

By Dana Phillips. Parties vary in size. Would you rather hold a $400 party or an $800 party? After working with dozens of companies, we [...]

Five Steps to Organizing Your Office

Have you found that one of the benefits of being in Direct Selling is that you can build your business from home? You're the CEO of your business and it’s important to have it run smoothly. Having your office organized will make it easy to stay focused on the activities that will build your business.

Ten Booking Tips for Spring

By Dana Phillips. With March, comes Spring.  It's coming in like a lion.  Time for you to roar! Here are 10 ideas to help you [...]

Five Direct Sales Lessons from My Grandchildren

By Neil Phillips. As I look forward to Spring Breaks and Zoom calls with my grandchildren, I can't help but reflect on some of the [...]

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