Working with Your Friends and Family in Direct Sales

By Dana Phillips. We have seen this many times: you join a direct selling company, and your enthusiasm for the product or the income is [...]

Quick Steps to Promote More Direct Selling Leaders

By Dana Phillips. Do you want to promote more leaders?  Here are eight quick steps that will change your results right away. Set five hours [...]

Four Tips for Great Incentives for Your Direct Sales Team

By Dana Phillips. While training and mentoring are your bread-and-butter for team development, sometimes you want to add an extra taste bonus. That's where your [...]

Putting the Service in Sales

By Dana Phillips. Before you worry about what is in it for you, think about what is in it for: Your customer Your hostess Your [...]

Real Leadership: Belief

By Neil Phillips. Okay, admit it. You probably didn’t grow up saying “I want to be in direct sales.”  It definitely isn’t in the top [...]

Are You Organized Enough: Seven Helpful Tips

By Dana Phillips. Lack of organization can be a substantial obstacle in your efforts to reach your goals. Improper planning and disorder can make your [...]

Ten Hints for Working with Difficult People

By Dana Phillips. I wish I had the definitive answer for you.  There were many times in our direct selling career that I responded to [...]

How to be Happy and Let Go of Guilt

By Neil Phillips. As a coach, I sometimes find myself talking with clients who are unhappy. Who among us in the last few months [...]

Five Ways to Share Your Business

You want to grow your team, and you are looking for ways to share your income-earning opportunity with others.  The answer lies within you.  Remember [...]

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